The Halo + Ninja bundle.
The best-of-breed tools, with market-leading integration, all in one place under a single integrated license.
The worlds best MSP tools – one subscription.
Leverage high-end automations from the best tools available to reduce costs and generate new revenue.
Demand more.
The best-of-breed tools have come together to deliver a unified platform MSPs deserve. Available from NinjaOne as your single vendor for your sales process, billing, account management and 1st line support of HaloPSA and SentinelOne – helping reduce vendor fatigue and unlocking a new level of value for your customers.
Halo + Ninja Bundle Subscriptions
Work with NinjaOne as your one bundle vendor for your sales, billing, account management and 1st line support of HaloPSA.
Option 1
What’s included:
#1 Rated PSA
#1 Rated RMM
Mobile Device Management
Patch Management
Endpoint & M365 Backup
Ransomware Detection
Free Warranty Tracking & Documentation
Products included:
Option 2
What’s included:
#1 Rated PSA
#1 Rated RMM
Mobile Device Management
Patch Management
Endpoint & M365 Backup
Ransomware Detection
Free Warranty Tracking & Documentation
Endpoint Detection & Response
Products included:
SentinelOne or Crowdstrike
Option 3
What’s included:
#1 Rated PSA
#1 Rated RMM
Mobile Device Management
Patch Management
Endpoint & M365 Backup
Ransomware Detection
Free Warranty Tracking & Documentation
Endpoint Detection & Response
Managed Detection & Response
Products included:
SentinelOne or Crowdstrike
HaloPSA Onboarding
With HaloPSA’s partner implementation assistance, you can securely move PSA and retain service continuity when switching.
Starting at a pot of 20 hours for a basic migration, through to scoped quote to fully unlocking HaloPSA and moving your business processes forward. Payable monthly.
- The Halo + Ninja Bundle is only available to MSP teams of 1-15 agents/techs. Teams that are larger will still benefit from the increased integration resource and future roadmap for HaloPSA to NinjaOne, and HaloPSA to SentinelOne.
- This bundle is available to existing Halo customers less than 15 agents/techs in size. Please note that your account manager and support will be through NinjaOne instead of Halo. To move please contact your Ninja account manager, who will request from Halo on your behalf.
- Please note that there is a mandatory HaloPSA implementation required, with this bundle and direct purchase of HaloPSA, which is facilitated from HaloPSA onboarding partner. For full transparency, HaloPSA does not make any money from this – we want Halo MSP’s to be the most successful in the world, and based on experience we now require teams to use an onboarding service to help them get the most from the system.
- HaloPSA is still available to buy directly for teams of 5+ agents/techs in size – for teams still looking to use the tools seperately.
The Future Starts Today.
Ready? Let’s Talk. Contact NinjaOne below to request a demo and pricing for the Halo+Ninja Bundle.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Halo+Ninja Bundle?
The Halo+Ninja Bundle is a single subscription that contains the best-of-breed tools available for MSPs – including PSA, RMM, EDR and MDR/SOC, from a single vendor.
Leverage high-end automations from the best available tools to reduce cost and generate new revenue.
HaloPSA, NinjaOne and SentinelOne have market leading tight integrations, more over than other toolsets available on the market.
What is included in the Halo+Ninja Bundle?
The Halo+Ninja Bundle includes:
RMM: NinjaOne
MDM: NinjaOne.
AntiVirus: SentinelOne
3rd Party Patching: NinjaOne
EDR: SentinelOne
Ransomware Detection: SentinelOne
Managed Detection & Response/SOC: SentinelOne
Endpoint Backup & M365: NinjaOne.
How is Halo+Ninja Bundle Sold?
Halo+Ninja Bundle is sold in three different tiers:
Option 1:
#1 Rated PSA
#1 Rated RMM
Mobile Device Management
Patch Management
Endpoint & M365 Backup
Ransomware Detection
Free Warranty Tracking & Documentation
Options 2:
#1 Rated PSA
#1 Rated RMM
Mobile Device Management
Patch Management
Endpoint & M365 Backup
Ransomware Detection
Free Warranty Tracking & Documentation
Endpoint Detection & Response
Options 3:
#1 Rated PSA
#1 Rated RMM
Mobile Device Management
Patch Management
Endpoint & M365 Backup
Ransomware Detection
Free Warranty Tracking & Documentation
Endpoint Detection & Response
Managed Detection & Response
How does the upgrade process to Halo+Ninja Bundle work for current Halo customers?
This bundle is available to existing Halo customers less than 15 agents/techs in size and who are at the end of their current Halo contract term. Please note that your account manager and support will be through NinjaOne instead of Halo. To move please contact your Ninja account manager, who will make the request to move from Halo on your behalf.
Can I still buy HaloPSA on its own?
HaloPSA is still available to buy directly for teams of 5+ agents/techs in size – for teams still looking to use the tools seperately.
How is the Halo+Ninja Bundle priced?
The Halo+Ninja Bundle is priced per end point.
Are there any minimums or requirements for the Halo+Ninja Bundle?
No. Teams from 1-15 agents/techs and 50+ endpoints can purchase the bundle.
What’s the roadmap for the bundle?
HaloPSA and NinjaOne already has a market leading 2-way API integration deploying scripts and delivering AI ticket and alert self-remediation.
HaloPSA delivers a product release every 2 weeks and, along with our partners at NinjaOne will be pouring even more effort into the NinjaOne integration to further automate tasks for MSP customers.
What are the key benefits of the Halo+Ninja Bundle
The best-of-breed tools, with market-leading integration, all in one place under a single integrated license.
Leverage high-end automations from the best available tools to reduce cost and generate new revenue.
MSPs want the best technology available to deliver the best results for their clients that leads to profitability.
Buying the Halo+Ninja Bundle leads to a cheaper price than buying all the tools seperately, and the amount of native value and automation, not including market leading levels of integration between the tools will help MSPs deliver a new level of service to clients – making MSPs using the the Halo+Ninja Bundle the most successful.
How much is the Halo+Ninja Bundle?
Pricing is available on demand from NinjaOne using the above ‘Request Pricing’ button.
Who do I pay?
NinjaOne, who owns the sales process, billing for the bundle, delivers account management and the 1st line of support for HaloPSA.
You pay NinjaOne, and receive one bill.
Are Halo and NinjaOne merging?
No, Halo is proudly privately owned and we’re adding to our contracts that we will not be involved in any mergers, acquisitions, or private equity deals for a rolling 10-year period. See more here
Demand more from your PSA software.
The fast and simple way to manage your entire MSP business.
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