Enhance your service delivery with HaloPSA
Award winning PSA software that is loved by managers, engineers and users.
Service Desk
Out of the box HaloPSA is ITIL-aligned and each process has built in recommendations. The service desk is powerful but still extremely flexible, allowing you to use our standard processes as a starting point and supplement them with your own processes. Features include, customer specific SLAs, dispatch calendar, ITIL processes, time management and automation.
Contract Management
Against each Customer, you can specify the SLA you have in place with them, and allow all calls for that customer to be prioritised correctly. Each customer can have their own charge rates, as well as contract and service tax codes. You can track which assets are to be included in each contract, and select periods for billing, whether weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. Set period charge amounts, allow for Pay-as-you-Go (PAYG) billing, pre-payment contracts, or fixed price, or combinations depending on request type, charge codes or ticket categories.
Asset Management
Assets of any kind can be stored in customisable groups and types, with endless custom details fields to capture and store data manually and automatically, with full reporting capabilities. Either use HaloPSAs built in discovery tool or integrate with your existing RMM software.
Store all of your customer’s details for the customer as a whole, site level and end-user, and access at the click of a button. Everything from their direct dial, and mobile, to who they report to, working hours, anything you would ever need. The activity screen gives you a snapshot of the customer at the click of a button. Use this to raise opportunities, quotations, sales orders, invoices and manage stock.