HaloPSA Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloPSA platform
Software Releases
Halo provides the ability to track and manage software releases for products your company supplies.
To enable this feature, head to the Configuration panel and ensure that the 'Software Releases' module is activated:
Once activated, you will be able to begin configuring the Software Releases area!
The first step to configuring the Software Releases area is to create your release types. To do this, simply head to Configuration>Software Releases and click into 'Release Types':
Halo comes with out-of-the-box release types:
- Not Released
- Beta
- Live
- N/A
But creating your own bespoke release types is as simple as clicking 'New' and giving your release type a name! If you want to send release notes from this release type, make sure to select a value in the 'Release Note Set' selection.
The next step involves creating the products that you would like to track releases for. This is done by clicking the 'Setup Products' button in the Software Releases module. When creating a new product, you will be prompted to give the product a name and an option to list any components, should you wish.
After saving the product with the given name, you will be able to specify the 'Release Emails' tab:
This is where you specify the email template that is sent out for each release type previously configured.
Beneath the 'Product and Release Setup' options, you will find the 'Release Note Tagging' configuration:
This area allows you to specify up to 3 different releases that Change Requests can be tagged against.
Software Releases Module
Once you have configured the above settings you can then head to the 'Software Releases' module:
Where you will be able to add/edit releases for your products. When adding a release to a product, you will be prompted to fill out the following:
- Release Name - Give a name (usually a version number) to the release.
- Release Type - Specify the release type for this release (Not Released, Beta, Live etc..).
- Product - Set the product that this release is in relation to.
- Release Date - Set the scheduled date for this release.
- Released By - Specify the agent in charge of the release, if applicable.
You can also specify any public/internal notes relevant to this release.
It's worth noting that the 'Issues Logged' in the releases list refers to the number of tickets of ITIL ticket type 'Incident' that have been tagged to this release.
The above can then be linked to tickets of ITIL type 'Change Request' via the 'Change Management' tab (make sure the tab is enabled in the Change Management config):
For more information on Change management within Halo, please visit our Change Management article.
Once you have set the product and release on the change management tab of your ticket, you will find that this ticket populates under the 'Release Notes' section for the relevant product/release:
This will allow you to track all requested changes that relate to a given release.
Jira Integration
When using both the Software Releases module and the Jira Integration within Halo, you will find an additional field under the details tab when adding a release:
When creating a new issue in Jira from a ticket in Halo, if a software release has been chosen on the ticket, the corresponding Jira version will be linked to the issue in Jira. For more information on Halo's Jira integration, please visit the 'Jira Integration' article.
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