HaloPSA Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloPSA platform
In this lesson we will cover:
- Creating Appointments
- Different Appointment System Uses On Actions
- Appointment Creation Screen
- Create From Calendar Screen
- Creating a MS Teams Meeting from a Halo Appointment
Associated Admin Guides:
Halo provides the ability to have agents create appointments in order for work to be scheduled - these appointments can also be synchronised with your exchange calendar to ensure that you never miss a meeting!
Creating Appointments
There are 3 main methods by which appointments can be created in Halo:
- Via Actions: You will find that actions in Halo can have a system use of 'Create Appointment/Task' (Fig 1). When performing an action with this system use, you will be presented with the 'Appointment Creation Screen' where you can set the attendees of the appointment, start/end date, title and appointment type (Fig 2). You can configure a "Default Appointment Type" on the defaults tab of the action.
Fig 1. System Use for an action (Configuration > Tickets > Actions)
Different Appointment System Uses On Actions
The first option is to create an appointment, this will create the appointments and give you the appointment creation screen, there is no configurable field list.
The next is "Complete Appointment/ Task" This option will allow you to complete the appointments, it only completes one appointment at a time. You can edit the appointment details (top right hand side of appointment screen) before clicking completing the appointment.
As shown below, you can also decide what time logged is used when you complete an appointment, choose between the action duration or the appointment duration. This is configurable on the Action when you choose this system use.
Fig 2. Default Option For The Completion Duration
After clicking on "Complete Appointment" from the action screen of "Complete Appointment/ Task" action that we have configured. The options on the field list you have configured, will be available to edit, in the below image I have added the fields "Status", "Time Taken", "Appointment":
Fig 3. Fields Become Visible After Clicking on "Complete Appointment"
The last system use on an action is "Delete My Appointments" this will delete the appointments where the agent of the appointment is the same agent that is performing the "delete appointments" action. You can configure a field list for this action, for example I have added "Agent Signature"
Fig 4. System Use: "Delete My Appointments" on an Action
Appointment Creation Screen
Fig 5. Appointment Creation Screen.
- Via the Calendar Module: You can create appointments in Halo directly from the calendar module (Fig 5). Simply head into the Calendar, select your calendar view (Fig 6) then click & drag over the period that you would like the appointment to be created for. Note: Each agent can set their own default calendar view via their preferences.
Create From Calendar Screen
Fig 6. The Calendar Module
Fig 7. The Calendar Viewing Options
There is the option to click and drag vertically to create an appointment.
Creating a MS Teams Meeting from a Halo Appointment
In order to have appointments created in Halo also create MS Teams meetings, you will first need to connect your exchange calendar(s) using the Microsoft Graph API connection method - this will require the creation of an Azure application (if you are unsure about the steps required to configure an Azure application, please reach out to your Implementations Consultant or our support channel).
Once you have connected your Exchange Calendar, you will want to ensure that you have at least one appointment type that is configured to send a MS Teams meeting (Fig 5). Appointment Types can be configured via heading to Configuration > Calendars & Appointments > Appointment Types.
Fig 8. Appointment Type configuration
Finally, you will want to ensure that you select the appropriate appointment type when creating appointments in Halo:
Fig 9. Appointment type selection, found on the Appointment Creation Screen
If you create an appointment where the start date is in the past or if the appointment is out with the agents working hours, you will get the following warnings when creating the appointment:
Fig 10. Appointment Creation Warnings
You will also be notified of errors if your exchange calendar is set up incorrectly
Fig 11. Exchange Calendar Error Using The Graph API Method
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