HaloPSA Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloPSA platform
Awaiting Review/Ticket Review Processing
In this lesson we will cover:
- Enabling ticket review processing
- Filtering results in the Awaiting Review area
- Approving/Rejecting time entries
Enabling ticket review processing
The Awaiting Review section of HaloPSA can be thought of as a 'holding area' where time entries can be reviewed and approved prior to them appearing in Ready for Invoicing.
The review processing functionality is enabled via Configuration>Billing>General > 'Enable Ticket Review Processing' under the 'Charge Type Settings' dropdown. This functionality requires labour to be reviewed/approved before an invoice can be created.
Note: Any tickets created and eligible for billing before this setting is enabled, will not go into the awaiting review area as they will be auto reviewed by default. They will sit within the "Ready for invoicing" area of the invoice module.
Fig 1. Enable ticket review processing setting
The status that tickets must be in to be invoiced can also be set just below this setting:
Once the review process enabled, you will find an additional section present in the Invoices module called Awaiting Review:
Fig 2. The Awaiting Review Section
There are 5 sub-lists in this area:
- No Charge - This list looks at time that has not used a Charge Type so will not be billed.
- Non-Contract/Prepay -This looks at Actions that have used a Charge Type and have a Billing Plan of "Pay as You Go".
- Contract/Prepay - This list returns time entries that have used a Charge Type and have a Billing Plan of 'Pre-Pay' or of a customer agreement.
- Contract/Prepay (Overage) - This list looks at time entries that have used a Charge Type (which has matched a Billing Plan of 'Pre-Pay' or of a customer Agreement), but has been marked as billable. This often occurs when a customer has exceeded the number of hours included, per period, in the Agreement..
- Contract/Prepay (Included Only) - This list will return time entries that have used a Charge Type (which has matched a Billing Plan of 'Pre-Pay' or of a customer Agreement), but has not been marked as billable due to the time being consumed by the customer's Agreement.
Filtering results in the Awaiting Review area
By default all entries that require review will show in a chronological list (ordered by the date the action was completed). Filters can be applied to this list, this is useful when you would like different agents to approve different types of ticket e.g. each team manager approves the labour time for their team only.
To create a filter head to configuration > billing > general settings > charge type settings section > awaiting review/invoice filters > new. Give the filter a name and ensure the 'Use' is set to be 'Awaiting Review'. You can also set who can see/use this filter using the 'List Visibility' dropdown.
Now you will need to add criteria to the filter, this determines which results show in the list when the filter is applied. There are various fields you can filter on, select one, then select the filter type (equal to, contains, not equal to etc.) and the value. In the example in figure 3 I have created a filter that will show all tickets assigned to the 'Sales' team when applied.
Fig 3. Filter Profile for sales team tickets
Note: In cases where the filter value is a free text field the value you enter must be an exact match to work, it is case sensitive and there must be no spaces before or after the text.
Once saved, this filter will appear as an option in the top left of the awaiting review screen, see figure 4.
Fig 4. Filter profile in awaiting review area
You will also find the option to apply a date filter at the top of the screen, where time entries can be filtered by when they were performed.
Approving/Rejecting time entries
Double clicking any of these records will open the Ticket/Action, where you can ensure the correct details have been entered (time, Charge Type etc.).
The process of reviewing these Actions involves selecting respective records (via the checkboxes on the LHS). Upon selecting, you will see an 'edit' button appear at the top of the list, where you can review these records (moving them into the Ready for Invoicing section).
Do Not Bill - Will remove the action from the Awaiting Review section without moving to Ready for Invoicing
Change Charge Rate- Will allow you to change the Charge Type for the selected Actions.
Review - Will approve the time entry and move the action to 'Ready for invoicing' so an invoice can be created.
Fig 5. Review Options
Required Agent permissions
Head to Configuration > teams and agents > agents > select and agent > permissions tab, here you can see the permissions an agent has. You can either adjust their permissions here, or against the role the agent has.
For an agent to be able to approve/reject action entries for invoicing they must have their 'Invoices access Level' set to 'Read, Create, Modify and Delete'.
Fig 6. Invoices access Level setting
They will also need the permission 'Editing of Actions' set to 'Can Edit All Actions' (this allows them to set an action to be not billable).
Fig 7. Editing of Actions setting
If you would like certain agents to not require their actions to be approved before invoicing (e.g. managers), set the permission 'Can Override Ticket Review Processing' to 'Yes'. When enabled any actions completed by this agent will not appear in awaiting review instead will go straight to ready for invoicing.
Fig 8. Can Override Ticket Review Processing setting
Note: Agents will only be able to see/approve the tickets they have access to in awaiting review. That is, if an agent does not have access to a particular customer or ticket type, they will not be able to see tickets for this customer or of this type in awaiting review.
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