HaloPSA Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloPSA platform
Charge Type Overrides Explained
In this lesson we will cover:
- The charge type hierarchy
- Overriding charge type rates
- Worked example
Charge Type Hierarchy
The default hierarchy used for Charge Types is as follows (with ticket type overriding all):
- Ticket Type
- Action
- Agent
With the charge type applied on an action and the setting "Charge Type will override ticket default" on:
Fig 1. 'Charge type will override ticket default' setting
The hierarchy will be:
- Action
- Ticket Type
- Agent
Settings Locations
- Ticket Type Level (Set on the ticket type single select setting, found in the settings tab):
Fig 2. Charge type setting against ticket type
- If the ticket type setting is not set, the system will check the Action Level (Set from the single select option in the defaults tab):
Fig 3. Charge type setting against action
- The Agent Level setting (found in the details tab of an agent):
Fig 4. Default Charge type against agent
Overriding The Rates set on Charge Types
There can be charge type overrides and charge type restrictions set per client or agreement, these are found in the following locations:
- The Billing Tab of a Customer:
Fig 5. Override charge type rate per customer
- Charge Types tab of an Agreement:
Fig 6. Override charge type rate per agreement
If the agreement has the overriding charge type attached, then the system will take the override set at the agreement level when billing for labour on tickets. If the agreement override is not present then the customer override will apply. For an agreement to be set on a ticket type you will need to attach the agreement field to the field list of the ticket type and make sure the visibility is set appropriately:
Fig 7. Make agreement field visible on ticket type
Worked Example- Changing the charge type override used on an action
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