HaloPSA Guides
Documentation to assist with the setup and configuration of the HaloPSA platform
Keeping Track of Feedback
By default in Halo we include the feedback icons in the closure email out-of-the-box. This of course can be changed and edited as needed but it is configured as laid out in this guide.
Default CSAT setup
Head to your email templates to see your "Ticket Closed" template by heading to Configuration > Email > Email Templates. It should look like the following by default:
The four icons highlighted are the feedback icons. Any customer clicking on one of these will navigate to your end-user portal and submit the feedback score requested automatically. They can leave further comments here should they wish to do so. From left to right these are Awesome, Good, OK, Bad (ID 1,2,3,4 respectively).
The feedback they submit is held within your database and can be reported on and interpreted with ease in a variety of ways. You can also determine if the feedback is displayed on the closure details of the ticket details screen. This can be configured by heading to Configuration>Tickets>Surveys and ticking/unticking the tickbox found in the General Settings area:
Bad Feedback Ticket Creation
By default when bad feedback is received, this will generate a ticket letting you know that bad feedback was received. This can be changed in Configuration > Tickets > Surveys. This ticket will be a Child of the Ticket the feedback was recorded against. There will be a link to this ticket where you will be able to see the rating and any comments left by the End-User.
The Default Feedback Reports
Searching for "feedback" in the reporting suite will bring up five simple reports using this data, more are available in the online repository or can be written by us or yourselves. The first is explained below, the other four use the average CSAT score calculated from the feedback in the time range selected for the agent/section.
Feedback from Tickets Report
This report will show all feedback in any given date range with the associated comment, score and the end-user who supplied the feedback. This is a great report to start with as it gives you the basic outline for your recent or past customer satisfaction.
An example of the Feedback from Tickets report.
You can schedule this report to send out weekly or even daily to keep on top of recent feedbacks.
Feedback on your Dashboard
On your dashboard you can have a widget showing recent feedback, often a "Last 5 Feedback" widget, to highlight the importance of customer feedback to your agents or even create a reward scheme for the most positive feedback!
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