Varibill Integration
Integrate Varibill with PSA software to seamlessly sync your HaloPSA invoices to your Varibill billing platform.
HaloPSA has it’s own powerful billing platform which allows you to design, pre-configure, and automate custom billing processes to any schedule. However, following customer demand we recognised the need for an integration with Varibill, creating another flexible billing option for our customers.
HaloPSA provides a world class end-to-end help desk system with Varibill Integration. The integration with Varibill allows you to bill for time, materials and contracts. The integration is 2-way, so following a simple set up process with the one-click Varibill set-up wizard, importing and exporting data is easy.
You can retrieve all of your Customer and Service Items details from your Varibill database (on a read-only basis), and import them straight into the HaloPSA database, at a click of a button.
Once this is done, HaloPSA knows exactly where to inject data back out into Varibill invoices. This kind of integration is second to none, and allows you and your team to bill for time, materials and contracts in a billing report run, that you run at your own discretion.
- Technician’s time and labour can be recorded on all actions on all requests at all times. You can process this separately from other charges too, for example itemised billing.
- Account for agent’s mileage and expenses with customer-specific rates and surcharges.
- Bill on multiple charge rates with minimum billing time, start dates, historic tracking and customer-specific rates.
- Add an “Out of Hours” multiplier to your charge rates.
- Track changes to all Charge Rates over time.
- Set global charge rates or override them with customer specific charge rates.
- Multiple tax codes, with customer-specific overrides.
- Recurring billing items, such as web hosting, domain renewals, and software licence tracking all included as standard.
- Simple to complex contract management per area/client with advanced combination billing.
- Reporting and notification systems for contract expiry, balance thresholds and auto top-ups.
- Prepay and fixed price balance check for new requests, based on the levels and thresholds at client level.
- Comprehensive monthly billing reports based on any information stored in your database.
- Pre-configured customer billing plans, allowing technicians to simply log their time working for a customer and the system does the rest of the work.
- Asset or device based billing with rollover options, incremental pricing and catalogues of items.
- Issue items to your customer straight from an item repository catalogue, with advanced cost analysis mechanisms.
- Include Ad hoc Items that are not in the main Catalogue, and import lists from the import facility in the main interface.
- Advanced costing and price information at item level for advanced reporting, with margins, FIFO processing and much more.
- Record invoice numbers against requests, and view invoices separately in the CRM area.
- HaloPSA uses PDF Invoices with fully customizable templates, allowing you to use your own design and branding.
- Create periodic invoices weeks ahead of due date.
- View and manipulate billing data at the action, product and ticket level.
- Restrict sensitive financial information from users who do not need to see it, with robust and granular controls on accounts.
As with all our integrations, we have comprehensive guides and articles available on this integration and our support team are ready to assist you should you need it.
To find out about our other integrations available, visit our integration page.
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