G2 Awards
Based on thousands of reviews within the Professional Services Automation sector on G2, HaloPSA has been awarded 3 badges for the Fall of 2022. As you can see from the image above, these awards include:
- Users most likely to recommend: The highest ‘likely to recommend’ rating in the PSA category
- Highest User Adoption: Earned the highest User Adoption rating in the PSA Software category
- High Performer: High Customer Satisfaction scores compared to competitors
Overall, three of our ratings that stand out on G2, which we are really proud of, include ‘Quality of Support’ (9.7/10), ‘Ease of Use’ (8.7/10) and ‘Ease of Setup’ (7.4/10). We would like to thank all of those that take the time to review HaloPSA on all comparison websites and enable us to receive such awards.