Top 5 Halo Automation Features: Introduction
Over the years Halo has developed a number of features to reduce the amount of manual work required by agents using the system. The features listed in this article are designed to automate certain elements of IT desk and business operations, for the purpose of reducing inefficiencies and saving valuable time. These features are easy to configure and once set up can revolutionise the your team’s performance.
1. Auto-assign rules
Auto-assign rules can be configured to auto-allocate where incoming emails from your end-users go. Auto Assign Rules can be used to route tickets automatically to a particular person, or group of people and affect the status based on a set of criteria. You can have as many rules that you like, and Halo will go through them starting at the first rule, and if not matched will move to the second rule, then the third rule, and so on.
2. Notifications
Notifications for your End-users, your Agents, Account Managers, Project Leaders, as well as Escalations, alarms and Event Handling are popular automated communication features of Halo. We understand that you might not always be at your desktop and will need to interact with it when not logged in. Our Notifications, Escalations and Alarms functionality will help you and your team work more effectively and efficiently, whilst giving you maximum data very quickly. You choose the request data you want to go out with the notification, based on $variable strings in the e-mail templates that are customisable, and rich text formatted. Halo can also send text messages direct to mobile phones and popular software tools such as Slack.
3. Suggestions Smart Bot (Web Application)
We have recently introduced a suggestion bot that can assist your agents on the open ticket screen. This matches key words and can be configured to suggest information sources within Halo that may be relevant to the open Incident. These could be previous tickets raised that are similar to the issue reported or Knowledge Base articles that explain how to solve the problem. You’ll need to be on our new Web Application to utilise this feature with an up to date version.
4. Reporting Suite Automation
The Halo Reporting Suite can be configured to regularly send out automated reports to your agents or anyone of your choosing within your organisation. This can be tailored to link to certain other functionality, such as contract expiry alarms for example. By automating reports your team can get crucial data delivered into their inbox on demand, so you won’t miss crucial deadlines or data. Our Support team can give you a hand with report writing, so please drop us an email if would like a custom report built.
5. Automatic Tickets Scheduling
Halo automation can be extended to include scheduling tickets to be raised automatically for certain events. Some examples of these types of tickets could include, scheduled maintenance tickets, for servers that need regular maintenance checks, such as backups, virus checking, updates, and so on. It could be as simple as creating a ticket every Friday to perform HR duties as an example. Whenever you need NetHelpDesk to generate a ticket at a certain time, use Ticket Scheduling.
Summary: Top 5 Halo Automation Features
There are many features available within Halo that can help automate your business processes. Automation is key if you want to help reduce inefficiencies within your team and save your agents time. Using automation, particularly in relation to ITIL, can help align your IT operations with your overall business objectives. For more details on ITIL aligned software, please see our recent article